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Snow And Ice Accidents

Legal Help For People Hurt By Falls On Snow Or Ice

Commercial property owners have a responsibility to ensure that their premises are free from hazards that could affect the safety of visitors. In Massachusetts, this means clearing snow and ice in a timely manner to reduce the risk of dangerous slip-and-fall accidents.

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Premises Liability: Snow And Ice Cases

For the past 25 years, the principals at Harris & Associates, P.C., have handled numerous cases involving injuries sustained due to slips and falls on snow and ice. This area of the law has recently undergone some dramatic changes, and it is critical that an attorney knows what burdens of proof are necessary to prevail at the time of trial. Because this area of the law is more complicated than many realize, experience and knowledge are paramount in achieving a successful result.

For example, issues such as the length of time the ice existed, the condition of the ice, the exact reason why someone fell, the open and obvious defense, and the custom and practice of a store owner in maintaining its premises are all extremely important and will impact the outcome of the case. The attorneys at Harris & Associates, P. C., are very familiar with these issues, and their extensive experience in addressing them during a case will ensure a successful outcome, whether through a favorable settlement or a jury verdict.

Contact Us If You Were Hurt In A Slip-And-Fall Accident

If you have been injured in a slip-and-fall accident due to a property owner’s failure to clear snow and ice, contact us online today to schedule a free consultation.